Wiegon - Wiegon in the media

The autonomous recycling center

Wiegon in the media

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ORF Tirol

A recycling center that technically plays all the pieces and allows residents to dispose of their waste around the clock.

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Tiroler Wirtschaft

The Wiegon expert group has expanded its know-how in terms of digitalization and waste management. When it comes to digital, convenient and customer-friendly recycling centers, the Oberland company is the Europe's leader.

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With 100% digital control and monitoring of all processes, the Tyrolean start-up enables waste disposal that is independent of time and personnel. A clear added value for residents, communities, employees and the environment.

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Kurier Österreich

In Ischgl, a start-up has digitalised the town's waste disposal system. The developers see their system as an opportunity to make an unpopular job more attractive. 24-hour operation is also possible.

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Kronen Zeitung

The planned “revolution in the Tyrolean waste centers” started in Paznaun. The Landecker company Wiegon built in Ischgl the “most modern recycling center in Europe”.

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The Wiegon system is not tied to fixed opening times and staff. You can then use the app or card to dump the rubbish when it suits your personal time window.

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Tiroler Tageszeitung

They now want to roll out the system across the whole of Tyrol. In the future, even small recycling centers could be connected and maintained remotely via a common control center.

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Wiegon GmbH takes waste disposal to a new level. And do something about the shortage of skilled workers.

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Öko News

The three Wiegon partners have extensive experience in the development and implementation of automated and now digitalised municipal waste management.

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Mag. (FH) Florian Ennemoser
Head of Design & Marketing
+43 650 8000 171

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